Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sleep, Cuddling, and The Secret

1. I am so grateful that I slept all through the night, hard as a rock, without waking up once. This is not something I do often, but I sure needed it lastnight so I'm thankful that I got a sound nights sleep!

2. Whenever I do wake up, be it in the morning or in the dead of night, if I inch my way over to Hubby's side of the bed and come within reaching distance, he will always wrap his arm across the top of me and drape his leg over mine, even while in a deep sleep (I'm telling you, the smoke detector could go off and he wouldn't move). He does this every time, even when he's not facing me - he'll sense me there and turn around. I love that he does this, and sometimes he WILL wake up and we'll chat for a few minutes and then go back to sleep. He's always happy to see me when he opens his eyes first thing in the morning and is NEVER a grumpy riser. For this I am eternally grateful, as it's always a fabulous start to every day.

3. The Secret is something that many of you may already be familiar with (especially since Oprah featured it on ehr show last week). If not, you can go to the icon in my sidebar and check it out. I am so incredibly grateful to The Secret and the principles and teachings of it. Because of watching this 90 minute movie, it has explained to me why certain things ahve happened in my life, and it has restored faith in me that life is just fabulous (not that I didn't think it was to begin with, because I did... this is just a new level I've never felt before). I live my life now, everyday, as if I'd hit the lottery. It is amazing stuff, and I am thankful for having found it 4 months ago. It has truly changed my life, our lives, and I just can't wait to see what's in store for me down the road.. it's full of wonderful things, I just know it!

What are you thankful for?

(Tell me in the comments!)


At February 13, 2007 at 6:48 PM , Blogger ~Kristen said...

I was VERY thankful for the sanity you offered in my panicked state!!! you have no idea how much any help offered during this time, by people who KNOW, is appreciated.

Thank you...

1. I am thankful that it is snowing and school will most likely be closed tomorrow!!!
2. I am thankful that I love my home... and will love even more spending the entire day in it tomorrow, warm and cozy... out of the snow.
3. And just because I haven't used it yet... I am forever thankful for my friends and family.. they are the most inspiring and supportive people any one could ever have the pleasure to know!

I will try to add to this as much as possible!!! What a great idea!

At February 13, 2007 at 8:46 PM , Blogger kitchu said...

Today I am thankful for~
1. Rewarding work- onology nursing is an amazing, special field that I feel I was led to- as if it chose me and not the other way around. Each day gives me at least ONE reminder why I belong here.

2. The object of my infatuation- every time I run into this person, it's all dopamine and adrenaline, two of the best chemicals to have racing through your body- it's an all natural high! Plus it's a reminder that life will go on, and does go on, after divorce.

3. Solitude...necessary for my soul...

At February 13, 2007 at 8:48 PM , Blogger Michelle said...

1. Valentine cupcakes. Yummy. (Can you tell i've been dieting?)
2. Two legs that enable me to walk on my lunch break every day and relieve some of the stree of my job.
3. My Dad, who helps us out financially and emotionally.

At February 13, 2007 at 9:23 PM , Blogger redmaryjanes said...

I am thankful for my husband who fell in love with me

I am thankful for my husband who put his arm around my stomach every night, all night feeling our baby move

I am thankful for my husband who loves me just the same 25 pounds later as he did when we first dated and still says good morning beautiful to me

At February 14, 2007 at 2:20 AM , Blogger Brought to you by Her Majesty Magenta said...

Today I am thankful for:

1. My husband (again) because it was a very busy day at work and we worked through lunch, so when we finally had time to get something I wanted Subway and even though he despises Subway he went and got it anyway. Major points!

2. Busy days because we have recently had 3 residents pass away and even though some are in their 90's, they are missed, terribly. Busy days help the time pass more quickly.

3. Books. I love learning new things and I always have to be reading some sort of self help book. I have always wanted one of those rooms with walls of books and a sliding ladder. Although I imagine there could never be enough room for all the new books that come along.



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