Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Days off, Birds, and Love

1. Today is my last day of work before having a 4 day weekend! I am so thankful to have this little mini-vacation, even though we're only going to Atlantic City for a day and a half. It'll be nice to have the two days off and then have the weekend too! I'm grateful to have the days off!

2. I have bird feeders in my backyard and this morning, in the middle of the sleet and freezing rain storm, I looked out and saw tons of birds flying all around my yard and eating from the feeders. Sometimes in the summer I'll sit there in the mornings with my coffee or tea, watching them through my sliding glass doors. I could watch them literally for hours if I didn't have something else to do. Watching them is like meditation! I'm thankful to have such beautiful birds in my area, that also put me in such a great, calm mood.

3. Being Valentines day, I must tell you that this is just like any other day for us. I realized why it is that Hubby and I don't really celebrate it: we have Valentines Day EVERY day! In past relationships, the guys I was with would usually go out of their way to get flowers and cards, take me out to dinner, be extra sweet, etc.. But this is how my marriage is EVERY DAY. So to do that today would be... trite. But I would rather have Valentines day everyday than to celebrate once a year. I am soooo grateful for my wonderful husband who is my forever Valentine :)

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)


At February 14, 2007 at 9:11 AM , Blogger ~Kristen said...

I am thankful for the snow day that DID happen!!

I am thankful that I am not at work so that I don't have to pretend that not having a valentine is okay..

I am thankful that I have the ability to not care (or feel one bit guilty) that I will eat an entire box of chocolate that I bought.. and pretend that there is no fat or calories involved!!!

At February 14, 2007 at 9:54 AM , Blogger Polar Bear said...

I am thankful for the snow day we are having today. (due to icy roads not much snow)

I am thankful for my husband who left a cute Valentine's Day card in my truck, only to have his planned foiled by the above snow day.

I am thankful for my four furkids laying around my feet as I blog surf this morning.

(What a great idea! I love this blog Heather.)

At February 14, 2007 at 10:55 PM , Blogger kitchu said...

First, your #3 hit home with me... that's how I've always thought it should be, and I was blessed for six years in my marriage and we felt the same...

But, my 3 things that I'm grateful for today.
1. Inner strength... courage to truly embrace this last 1.5 years that have been a mixed bag, dotted with a tremendous amount of loss.
2. Faith- knowing that even when I felt I was most alone, I wasn't. I'm still not, and never will be.
3. Being close to having my blog pimped. This is making me seriously happy! Thanks then, most especially, for Heather... who's doin' the work for me.

At February 15, 2007 at 1:38 AM , Blogger Brought to you by Her Majesty Magenta said...

Thank you Heather for #3. That is what my life is like as well. I do not usually get flowers or cards but I do get dinner out on nights I am tired, movies for special occasions, lots of laughs and serenaded frequently. Everyone shows their love differently and if we could see that we wouldn't be so disappointed. My hubby thinks of Valentines in the middle of the day when he sees what other women are getting, then takes me to go pick the flowers out. He also took me out to eat so I am blessed.

My three thanks

1. My husband (yes again) because he is so perfect for me

2. My son because he organized and scheduled, and great swimmer, actor, loves to draw, make video's with lego figures, helpful with carrying things, reaching things and helping clean up, talented at making me things in woodshop and get good grades.

3. My daughter because she is "in the moment" and creates a flair with everything she does, she is a natural with computer things such as html code, she loves to take pictures, talk on the phone, create things with pictures, cook, set a pretty table, and get good grades


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