Thursday, February 15, 2007

Fast, Neil the Deal, Henry

1. I'm very grateful that I am one of those women who can be ready in 15 minutes. I'm especially grateful for that now becuase in exactly 14 minutes we're supposed to leave for Atlantic City! I have to get a move-on, because I'm sitting here in my jammies!!!

2. Neil the Deal is our accountant. He is fabulous because he finds money that I didn't know existed, hence the nickname "Neil The Deal". I and very thankful to have found him!

3. My experience with Henry

*** edited to say it was 6:46 wen I wrote #1. It is now 7:10 and I (showered lastnight) have brushed my teeth, got dressed, packed my clothes and checked my bank statement, all in about 20 mins! ***

There will be no written Three Thanks tomorrow as I will not have access to a computer. PLEASE feel free to leave your Three Thanks tomorrow in this post! :)

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in the comments!)


At February 15, 2007 at 7:50 PM , Blogger Brought to you by Her Majesty Magenta said...

Music, Pleasant Odors, and Pictures

1. Music. I love music. I have loved it since before I can remmeber. My favorite toy when I was little was a record player. I played the piano although never greatly, the clarinet, banjo and recorder. I loved going to evening church meetings and caroling because it was all singing and music. Now I go every Friday night to listen to the praise band practicing for church service. ANd my favorite sound? the sound of my hubby singing. It is the best!

2. Pleasant odors. Pleasant smells can immediately take me back to the time and place that I smelled them. When my mom took the whole family to Hawaii I purposely used the same lotion everyday so I would think of Hawaii everytime I smelled that smell.

3. Pictures. I love to look back at pictures and remember events that I tend to forget otherwise. I even love looking at others pictures. They are like a window into that person's life.

At February 16, 2007 at 12:42 AM , Blogger Michelle said...

1. Wedding anniversaries. Yesterday I celebrated 14 years married to my best friend.
2. Sunny, warm weather that allows me to take a walk every day on my lunch break.
3. Chocolate cake. We went out to dinner and the restaurant gave us a piece free. Yum! Have a fun mini-vacay!

At February 17, 2007 at 2:33 AM , Blogger Brought to you by Her Majesty Magenta said...

My three thanks for Friday the 16th are
Feet, Hair and Ears

1. I am thankful for my feet as I have a good friend/employee who is battling to save his remaining leg (he lost the other one to diabetes complications)

2. I am thankful for my hair as it is long and fairly thick. I know a girl at work whose hair is so thin on top you can see her entire scalp.

3. I am thankful for my ears that are different sizes. Why, I am not sure as I can only wear wire sunglasses so I can bend one side and make the glasses sit evenly on my face. But I know there are people who cant hear and that would be awful.


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