Saturday, February 17, 2007

Pillows, not-frozen pipes, and Saturday

1. The pillows at Harrah's in Atlantic City were awful. I usually bring at least one of my own, but I forgot. Lastnight when I was getting into bed at home, I was sooo happy to lay my head (and aching neck) down on a comfy pillow. I have the most confortable pillows on the face of the planet, and I am grateful for them!

2. When we ran the water lastnight, barely anything out come out of the tap. We tried the kitchen sink, the bathroom sink, and the shower, all with the same results. We also couldn't get any hot water out of them for about 15 minutes, and even then, it was a trickle. The first thing I thought was that our pipes were frozen. So we left them running with the trickle coming out of them and sat bak down on the sofa. I got up to check them 10 minutes later and nothing had changed. For some reason I thought "what if it's the water pressure and not frozen pipes" and told hubby "you know, what if they're like this because there's a broken pipe outside and there's water leaking all under the house?" So he got dressed and went out there, and although there was no broken pipe (which is fabulous!), the hose had never been shut off and the quick-release ring around the top had popped off, and water was gushing out of the spigot! We have no idea how long this went on for because we hadn't been home in a day and a half, but we were grateful that it wasn't something worse! As soon as he turned it off, the water coming out of the faucets went full-blast :)

3. Because we took Thursday and Friday off, Hubby and I are all cockeyed about what day it is. Lastnight, we kept thinking it was Sunday, and I had to keep reminding him that tomorrow would be Saturday. This morning when I got up, I was so out of it I couldn't remember what day it was either, and then when I remembered it was Saturday, I was overjoyed with the thought that we still have the entire weekend!!! Yay!!!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)


At February 17, 2007 at 11:09 PM , Blogger Michelle said...

1. I am thankful for my seester(that's what I like to call her), who flew all the way from S.F. to stay the weekend with me.
2. I am thankful that I have the time and resources to make scrapbooks that will preserve family memories for our daughter.
3.(Okay, this one is going to sound weird if you don't know me). I am thankful that I started my period and now the pain will go away for a couple of weeks.


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