Thursday, May 17, 2007

Patricia in NYC, validation, moving

1. I am very thankful for one of the posters here, Patricia in NYC. There aren't very many people who come to this blog, but she has come back time and time again. I didn't start this blog to get the most hits or to have many followers; I started it as a reminder to myself that I have TONS AND TONS to be so incredibly grateful for in my life. However, I still can't help but feel bummed that more people don't feel the same way, that it's important to remember that we have so much to give thanks for. So I am thankful for Patricia, for coming back and for "getting it". Now, if only she'd email me so I'd know how to get in touch with ;)

2. There is a person at work who is so incredibly insecure, she is the "one-up ya" person. If you broke your arm, she broke her leg. If you won $10,000 n the lottery, she won $100,000, etc. Since this person started working at my office, it seemed I was the only one to notice this, however, now others are catching on, and actually coming to me and asking me, "what is wrong with them??? How insecure can they be??? They act like they know everything and that you don't know anything...". I am so thankful that my feelings have been validated and that it's not just

3. Last night my left foot, ankle, and calf was completely swollen. I had no idea what it was about but I just assumed it was my body telling me that the burgers, fries, and shake I had for dinner was probably killing me slowly (probably???) and that it was time to heal myself with some good old fashioned "clean" food and moving around. I got up this morning, ditched my coffee for green tea, had steel cut oatmeal for breakfast, and then did 20 minutes of a workout tape to get my body moving. After that, I got ready for work, and while walking out the door to leave, I realized how much better I felt. I am grateful for the ability to move in my body, and I will never take that for granted again.

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)


At May 17, 2007 at 9:34 PM , Blogger Michelle said...

I keep coming back, but I have to admit I haven't been leaving comments. I have, however, been keeping a "thankful journal" ever since you started this blog, so thanks for getting me started on that!
Here are my three for today:
1. Pain medication. Six days post surgery and I don't know where I would be without it.
2. My wonderful husband, who goes off to the store to make me cupcakes just because I want them. He rocks!
3. Rubios' shrimp burritos. No beans, no guacamole. Love them! Especially when I am "sick".

At May 20, 2007 at 12:54 PM , Blogger redmaryjanes said...

1) I am thankful that my 2 year olds surgery for tubes went well and he is just as wild as ever.
2) I am thankful that he brings every owie, now matter how small to me to kiss. He believes I have healing powers.
3) I am thankful that my oldest son Zach made his high school hockey team.
4) I can go over right? I am grateful that my middle son Tyler stopped having nightmares the night I put up his new dreamcatcher. It works for him on some level.

At May 20, 2007 at 3:06 PM , Blogger kitchu said...

I am thankful for Patricia period- I've known her for over 2 years and she is an amazing woman. We were going to be traveling together with my first adoption. Sorry I'm always forgetting to come here!

So, let me start:
1. Thankful for those incredible China baby fixes. I had the BEST day yesterday
2. Thankful for what little grass I have (the weeds from a distance look like grass, so that's cool).
3. Thankful for the upcoming 3rd trip to the monastery. I know it will be different and just as meaningful as the first 2 trips.

At May 22, 2007 at 7:48 PM , Blogger Michelle said...

1. Chocolate macadamia nut biscotti from Starbucks. Yum.
2. Napping. Since the surgery I have been doing a lot of that.
3. My Dad. He is always there for us. Always.


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