Sunday, July 29, 2007

Boy - I'm slacking lately, huh?

Friday night wedding, ferns, 2:45

1. We had a wedding Friday night that lasted til about midnight. the great thing about going out on a Friday is that it makes the rest of the weekend THAT much longer!. I am thankful that the wedding was on Friday and not on Saturday!

2. This year, there's a little tiny mystery insect that has been eating my million bells (plants, like mini petunias). I had two gorgeous yellow and HUGE hanging plants of this kind in the front of my house. One week they were great, the next week they were nearly all dead. I've wanted to put up some plant brackets on the side of my garage (too much to explain, but the side of my garage is perpendicular to the front walk of my house) and hang the plants from them (instead of from the shepherds hooks in the ground, which are too low). Well, I went to L*owe's today and got two huge ferns. I've always liked ferns, but didn't know if they'd go with the cottage garden theme I have going on right now. Well, I hung the brackets and then hung the ferns. WHAT A DIFFERENCE!!!!! it looks AMAZING! I am thankful for trusting my instincts and buying the ferns!

3. It's 2:45 in the afternoon on Sunday, and it feels like it's 8pm - so that means I've got a whole lotta extra hours to my day :) I'm thankful for what seems like getting extra hours in my day!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)


At July 29, 2007 at 11:04 PM , Blogger Middle-Aged Moi said...

1) For the cool breeze on this very HOT day! feels SO good!

2) For the fact that my HUBBY gave the dog a bath today. I didn't have to do it! I hate doing it.

3) For the fact that Isabelle is drawing animals that are somewhat recognizable now. It's so cute!


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