Thursday, July 12, 2007

signs, cool weather, coffee with Hubby

1. I applied to a local community college to take classes in horticulture a little over a month ago. After getting accepted, I kind of let it all sit on the back burner, and the longer it sat, the more I started talking myself out of actually registering, telling myself "what's the use?". Then I posted on my blog about how to water your lawn and plants, and I had a few people comment about it. One in particular said that she learned more in my one post than she had from reading gardening books. Another said she'd printed out my post to show her husband so they'd know what to do, because they'd "been doing it all wrong". These few comments put the fire back in me to go ahead with my plan to get a degree in horticulture. I am so thankful for those people who have brought me back to the reality of wanting to have a career doing something I love .

2. The humidity has been oppressive lately and after a big storm yesterday, the weather was just gorgeous this morning, and cool. So much so that I took advantage of the cool breeze and mowed the lawn before work. I am thankful for the cooler weather!

3. This morning I asked Hubby if he wanted to sit outside in the gorgeous weather and have coffee with me. Normally being one rushed in the morning, he surprised me and said "sure". We sat and had coffee and breakfast, and enjoyed the time outside on our deck. I am thankful to have little moments like that where I can just sit and enjoy time with the ones I love, in the home that I love.

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)


At July 12, 2007 at 7:00 PM , Blogger Michelle said...

1. Getting rid of crap. We're moving, and have decided not to take almost half of what we have with us. It feels good to get rid of stuff we don't really need.
2. My hubby's employee discount. I am about to head off to his workplace and pick me up some new books to read, all at thirty percent off.
3. Good test results from the doctor. Yesterday I saw my Kidney doctor, and got some good test results for a change. I am sooooo thankful for that.

At July 12, 2007 at 7:35 PM , Blogger Middle-Aged Moi said...

1) That my house AND my garage are now clean!

2) That I got done the lawn mowing and will be able to have a bit more free time tomorrow.

3) For watching my kids play on their play center and marveling at just how much I adore them.

At July 13, 2007 at 5:28 AM , Blogger Pixel Fairy Princess said...

Heather, I really love this and I think that we were on the same page (sort of) yesterday ;D

1. Education, and making the decision not to perseit. I am done (at least for a while) after I finish my MPA. I am thankful that my husband has supported me this far and encouraged me to get my Ph.D. That decision was made yesterday ~ so if you can be late, so can I ;D

2. On-line shopping. I don't like sales people, so I am so thankful to be able to sit down in my home with what ever beverage I choose, at whatever time I want, without the hassel and frustration of driving in Atlanta traffic to shop. I like to go out and shop for clothes for me and the kids, but the big stuff, give me a Pottery Barn cateloge and the computer and I am set! So thankful for that!

3. I am thankful that LiLi has never had sleep issues. Never. Not even on Gotcha Day. We learnd very quickly that she hated the crib and would sleep perfectly on the floor or with us. By the time we got to Guanghzou, she was sleeping 8 hours a night! Even getting her sleep pattern changed when we got home was a breeze compared to some of stories I have been hearing. Last night she went to bed at 7:45 and is still sleeping. You have no idea how thankful I am for that!!!!!

At July 13, 2007 at 7:11 AM , Blogger Noemi said...

1) I am so Thankful that Five years ago to this day I married my soulmate and have been so blessed.

2) I am thankfull that we moved to FL and have been so blessed in getting GREAT jobs.

3)I am thankfull that I have learned to appreciated more my son Joey due to the fact that he has been away from me since June 1st on vacation and the distance has made me realize that he is a growing young man...

At July 13, 2007 at 7:29 AM , Blogger Chasing Dreams Photography said...

1. I am so thankful that my mom who suffers from Parkinson's had a good day yesterday. We take it one day at a time.

2. I am thankful for the fact that my sweet Princess Livi (4 1/2) seems to be getting easier and her temper tantrums are less and less. This I am most thankful for LOL other wise I was thinking of locking myself in the bathroom 24/7.

3. My oldest son (Chris, 24) is not crazy about living here in Chicago (too cold). We moved 9 years ago from CA (our home town). I am thankful that Chris' best friend just took a new job in Chicago. He and his wife arrived yesterday. I am hoping this will make life a bit easier for Chris.


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