Sunday, July 15, 2007

feeling good, didn't fall, an extra day

1. Friday and yesterday I felt completely exhausted, to the point of having heavy eyelids. All day this went on, and Hubby started to think that maybe I was coming down with something. I went and slept about 8 hours last night (which is 2-3 more than normal for me) and today I feel good as new again! I'm thankful for feeling awake and well.

2. Before getting in the shower this morning I decided to clean the tub and the non-slip mat, as well as the curtain liner. I threw the mat and liner in the washing machine and got in the shower, cleaning the walls and floor of the bathtub. When I started bathing myself after cleaning the tub, I wasn't being cautious of there not being a mat to stand on, and nearly broke my neck when I lost my balance and regained it just as I was falling backwards out of the shower on to the bathroom floor. I screamed but Hubby was upstairs vacuuming and didn't hear me. Good thing I DIDN'T fall, because he wouldn't have found me for another 15 minutes! I am sooooo grateful I didn't fall in the shower!

3. Since we didn't absolutely nothing yesterday, it felt like a Sunday. So, today feels like an extra day! I am grateful to have an "extra" day off!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)


At July 15, 2007 at 11:51 AM , Blogger Michelle said...

I know exactly what you mean about doing nothing on Saturday and feeling like you have an extra day. I love those weekends. I wish they came more often! Anyway, on to my thanks:
1. I am thankful for my Dad. I spend every Saturday with him, and really have a good time. Since my Mom died, he's all I've got. Soooooo thankful for him.
2. I am thankful that the grief from losing my dog is starting to get a little easier each day. It was pretty sketchy for a few days there, but I am starting to feel better.
3. I am thankful it is Sunday and I have not one plan. Just hang around the house with my hubby.


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