Thursday, July 26, 2007

Fabulous new friends, wedding, the scale

1. I know I should have mentioned them in yesterdays post, but didn't - too much mentioning them in my other I am so thankful to have met some fabulous women this past weekend, They are all my true and dear friends.

2. One of my coworkers is getting married tomorrow night and they've (my bosses) decided to close the office at 4pm so we can all get home, get changed, and although miss the ceremony, still make the reception. And even thought it sucks to have to work til 8pm tonight and then get up and out of the house to work at 9am tomorrow (the late shifters have to work early because of it), I'm excited for the good time I'll be having! I'm thankful for having a great party to go to tomorrow night!

3. After seeing the visual evidence of my incredibly huge self (not exaggerating) from this past weekend, I've recommitted to losing the weight. I started on Tuesday and I'm already down an additional 1.5 lbs :) I am thankful to have been able to use the negative pictures as a positive motivator to lose weight and get healthy!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)


At July 26, 2007 at 8:33 AM , Blogger Angela said...

Love this, great idea!

1. We are all gonna sound alike on this one, but I am thankful for having met some of the nicest ladies this past weekend, still missing ya!
2. Thankful for my hubby, who let me get away this past weekend, and therefor got to do #1.
3. Thankful for my little girls, if it were'nt for you I'd still be in bed wishing I were still in Georgia!

At July 26, 2007 at 8:39 AM , Blogger Noemi said...

1) I am thankful that my 2 boys arrive tomorrow for their way to long vacation in PR...

2) That I can spend some time with my 3 boys this weekend at different activities.

3) That I got a juicy raise in salary as well as a GREAT evaluation from my boss. We got teary eyed as I told her how much I appreciate her pushing me to my limits and she told me that I do not give myself enough credit for what I do and that I am a Fabulous employee!

At July 26, 2007 at 10:10 AM , Blogger Pixel Fairy Princess said...

1. One of the reasons that I love the Internet so much is the wonderful door it has opened for someone like me. Most of you would never know that I am shy and meeting new people is a very big challenge for me. I was terrified to go and meet this groups of incredible women I had grown to love on their blogs. The level of insecurity soared as I began to wonder ~ what if I didn’t measure up to what they thought, what if I talk to much and turn them off (I tend to talk a lot when I get nervous and ramble) and what if they just don’t like me. Stay in the safety zone then no one will know what a dork you are. I am so thankful on so many different levels that I got myself out and to this. I was amazed and their generosity and kindness was overwhelming! I felt accepted and part of their groups for just a few hours and for me ~ that is a lifetime :D

2. I am thankful for hot baths with Epson salt and lavender. I have been very sick this and several years ago, one of my doctors suggested that I add Epson salt and lavender to my bath when my muscles get achy and painful. This week, being sick, I have spent a lot of time in the tub and I can’t tell you how much this makes me feel better. While I am at it, I am also thankful for the wonderful lotion that Caroline dropped off earlier in the week. She and I have had a rough time of it lately, but every now and then she will do something so thoughtful and sweet, that I instantly forgive her for making me so mad.

3. That leads me to the last thing that I am thankful for. There are some friendships in my life that I do not regret loosing, we choose different journeys and walked on different paths. One of those friendships was Mary Ellen. She is from Albuquerque and we were friends a long time ago in HS and college. We had a falling out over a “boy” at UNM, who ended up playing us both. Enough said. About two months before I went private with the blog, she “happened” upon my blog. She and her husband are adopting from China and she “found” me by linking to me from someone’s blogroll. She does not comment, does not blog, she is a lurker, and if ever there was a person who “knew me when” it was Mary Ellen. She recognized me instantly and started e-mailing me. She now lives in Seattle with her husband ~ a Microsoft Geek ~ that is also from Albuquerque ~ went to Highland and NM Tech ~ yeah, we all have our crosses to bear! They have two sons (13 and 10) and wait for their daughter who is in China (they are adopting an older child). I love it that Mary Ellen is back in my life, and I am very thankful for old friends as well as new!

At July 26, 2007 at 12:48 PM , Blogger ~ Alison said...

I'm thankful for:

1. my GA friends

2. coffee & aspirin (does that count as two things if u take them together?)

3. my Mali girl

At July 26, 2007 at 1:22 PM , Blogger Kelley said...

1. My darling baby girl and a comfy rocking of these days she won't need me to hold and cuddle her at night anymore, and I'll really miss it...she is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me.
2. The patience to persist with paperwork...I know it will get done eventually, and it's completion will be timed just exactly to match us with another perfect little girl.
3. Summertime...I love having time off to be at home with Chloe, and that her troubles with teething are happening NOW, instead of during the school year when I have to be on a tight schedule.

For the whole story, see my blog's entry today...I'm especially thankful for "Three Thanks" to keep me humbled, and to pull me out of my grumpiness! Thanks, Heather!!!!!!!!!

At July 26, 2007 at 1:33 PM , Blogger Middle-Aged Moi said...

1) Thankful for housework. Because I have a house to clean!

2) Thankful for my house guest leaving and having my house back to myself! :-)

3) Thankful for hearing my kids laughing outside!

At July 26, 2007 at 2:34 PM , Blogger Polar Bear said...

1. All of my new buddies!

2. My husband who must have missed me. (Haven't made any salads!) ;o)

3. My pups - whom I missed while I was gone.

At July 26, 2007 at 3:25 PM , Blogger Suzie said...

1. I'm thankful to have all these wonderful Blogs to read during the long wait for my daughter! (LID 9/4/2006)

2. I'm thankful that I have such supportive family and friends who have never once questioned my decision to become a single mom.

3. I'm thankful to have a job that I love and a boss that appreciates me!

At July 26, 2007 at 4:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. I'm thankful for having a house and family to come home to, who loves me unconditionally!
2. I'm thankful to have good health!
3. I'm thankful for having a job, and having an income - as, I know many people out there so despirately would like. Money is everyone's problem - Unfortunately :(

At July 26, 2007 at 5:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am thankful for:

1) Medical technology, the field of medicine in general, and the ability to be treated by specialists when something goes wrong

2) That I can work at home

3) That my husband has the best work shift ever and when our daughter finally joins our family, he will almost be like a stay at home dad!

At July 26, 2007 at 6:01 PM , Blogger Special K said...

1. The weekend and all my awesome friends!

2. My health. Always grateful every day for this one.

3. The income my job gives me. It makes me feel secure and independent. I'd love to win the lottery and never worry about money ever. But if that never happens, I do okay the way it is which I'm grateful for in this day and age of the tough economy and lay offs, etc.

At July 26, 2007 at 7:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well...I started writing this about 7 hours ago...seriously! And got sidetracked from the constructive noises upstairs & hence the WAILING coming from my daughter's room during her nap! But...despite all of that....

1. Thankful for my daughter who so sweetly says every night at dinnertime, "sank you for making these, momma!" amazing is that, & TOTALLY unprovoked!! I am not even a good cook!! I'm just so thankful that as little as she is she is learning to appreciate!

2. Thankful that hubby is coming home tomorrow from a week long business trip...I got a teeny tiny taste of being a single mom this week & it ain't easy! A BIG SHOUT OUT to ALL of the single moms out there!

3. Very thankful that my patience level continues to remain at a very good level!! My patience was really tested a lot this week & so GOOD!!

lucky momma to a sweetie from Hubei

At July 26, 2007 at 8:04 PM , Blogger Operationtigerlily said...

1. I am thankful I have 2 teenage boys who take out the garbage

2. I am thankful for chemical peels, my skin has never looked better

3. I am thankful I have 2 parents who have always put their children first and always made us feel special. I am lucky to have great role models for parenting.

At July 26, 2007 at 10:06 PM , Blogger aimeeg said...

1. I'm thankful for my awesome husband who entertains me constantly and puts up with me when I act like a complete moron for my own entertainment (hence the thirty times of singing the Transformers).

2. I'm thankful for Excedrin because I have a monster headache and I know that will make the pain go bye bye.

3. I'm thankful for Northern Lights pizza because it is yummy and made me not have to cook tonight.

At July 26, 2007 at 11:25 PM , Blogger JoAnn in NJ said...

1-I am grateful to be back at home safely after a great vacation in Maine.
2-I am very grateful that Kelsey was a great traveler and was only fussy part of the time
3-I am so thankful to have a wonderful travel group and we had a lot of fun together catching up. Hopefully next year we can reminise too! :)
4-Bonus...I am grateful to see multiple job opportunities that I am interested in presenting themselves...while I am sad to see my current position end, I am optimistic that I always land on my feet!

JoAnn in NJ

At July 27, 2007 at 3:50 PM , Blogger JoAnn in NJ said...

I guess I should have been grateful to have a job yesterday, because today I don't. I got laid off this morning.

anyone need a fabulous marketer in NJ? 10+ years experience. I chose my last job for the greater good and because it was close to home...won't make that mistake again!

JoAnn in NJ


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