Thursday, July 5, 2007

Dinner with a friend, thoughtful gifts, hummingbirds

1. Tonight I'm having dinner with a friend. We usually do dinner once every three weeks or so but we've both been busy so it's been a while and I'm really looking forward to it :) I'm thankful to be having dinner with my friend.

2. Last night Hubby and I went to some friends of ours whom we haven't seen since before Christmas. When we got there, they had Christmas gifts for us that they'd been holding on to for all these months. One little package had our names on it, the other, larger box had Gracie's name on it. I immediately started getting all misty, but when I opened the box, it was the cutest Asian doll inside - and my water works started flowing. I am so happy, so thankful, for thoughtful friends.

3. I recently moved a pole that attaches to my deck railing to a place where I could see it better. I've hung a few hummingbird feeders on it as well. For the past two weeks since I've moved it, I had never seen any hummingbirds go to it - but yesterday and this morning, I've seen 4 or 5. I don't know what it is about hummingbirds that I'm so mesmerized with, but I love to just be working out in the garden and have one whoosh by my head sounding like a giant bug, and watch from only a foot or so away as they feed on the deck planters and feeders. I am so grateful to have such gorgeous and tiny birds visit my flowers.

4. BONUS thanks: I am SO very grateful for all of the blogger friends I've met over the past year. They are all so precious to me, and I am incredibly thankful for them.

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)


At July 5, 2007 at 3:25 PM , Blogger JoAnn in NJ said...

1- I am thankful that my job was only cut down 40% instead of being elimiated right now
2-I am thankful that I have 6 weeks to find another job
3-I am thankful that I have bloggy friends that I can shamelessly exploit to help my job search.

Anyone need a marketing director in NJ? I am talented, driven and produce only vice is that I chose a new job that was 1/2 mile away from home to give my family back some more of me, so I went non-profit...big mistake I won't make again!

Ugh...DH won't be happy tonight!
JoAnn in NJ

At July 5, 2007 at 3:38 PM , Blogger kerri said...

1. Peaceful, tranquil moments that I can read a book.
2. My dog and his stinky breath and sweet kisses.
3. Sunsets, sitting on my deck with my hubby talking and dreaming of what our futures might hold.

At July 5, 2007 at 6:01 PM , Blogger Doris said...

1. My furry four-legged family ( all five of them) and also my fish.

2.Being able to work from home.

3.Blogs that are a constant reminder that we are all in this crazy, joyous, rollercoaster ride to Chinese Adoption together!

At July 5, 2007 at 10:59 PM , Blogger Michelle said...

1. Job interviews. I may not land the job, but at least my resume is enough to get me an interview.
2. Air conditioning. It has been hot here and it is heavenly to come home to a cool home.
3. Dinner with friends. Tonight I got together with my Infertility Support group. I am glad I have them as friends. I will have to call them something else now though, because out of the five of us, I am the only one without a baby. Maybe the Fertility group?

At July 5, 2007 at 11:33 PM , Blogger Kelley said...

1. Baby Tylenol (teething can be terrible)
2. Best friends (who are always willing to lend an ear, and spark smiles and laughs)
3. Beer (Can you tell it was a long day?)

Thanks for your great blogs, and fun pictures!!


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