Wednesday, August 22, 2007

pain, trips, hope

1. A very close friend emailed me yesterday to tell me that she just had a miscarriage at 7 weeks. She has a beautiful 2 year old son and was there for me when I needed someone to vent to when I had my miscarriages. Now, here she was, telling me about hers. I cried for her. Numerous times. I know that pain, and it's hard to not feel it again in an empathetic way when you hear about someone you love having to go through it for the first time, or any time for that matter. The thanks I give today is for my being able to help her with my words, being that I have BTDT. If there are thanks to be given, then I am thankful to be able to support my friend in such a personal way.

2. I am planning a trip to see once of my new bloggy BFF's. I am thankful to have the invite to go see her and spend time with her, because she is such a great person :)

3. I have hope about my weight loss and getting healthy. Even though the scale hasn't budged in almost a week, I still have hope - and faith even - that it will. I am thankful for this optimism.

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)


At August 22, 2007 at 8:38 PM , Blogger Patricia said...

1. Thankful that my daughter's last 2 molars are almost in!! That means back to a good night's sleep for everyone & no more crankiness...for any of us! lol!

2. Thankful that I was able to get into the children's shoe store's a madhouse here at this time of year! My daughter just loved a certain pair of shoes & I was so afraid they would be sold out! Got them & she hasn't taken them off!! :)

3. Good meatballs...I finally made GOOD meatballs!! lol! It's a tough act to follow when your MIL corners the market on meatballs!


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