Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Oops - I missed a day: weight, noticing, friends

1. I have now lost 15 lbs! It feels like I'm barely trying, but that's not entirely true. I have reduced my calories, made sure I don't eat anything too heavy for dinner (I eat dinner at 9:30pm!) and have started walking at least 4x a week. The food has never been an issue for me because I don't eat poorly to begin with... but the exercise is what I think is doing it for me. I am thankful to not have gotten bored with exercising yet, and I'm thankful it's paying off!

2. My mother and sister both noticed that I'd lost weight - which is bizarre because usually I have to lose 30-40 lbs before anyone can tell (like Janet said!). My sister even went as far as to say that my face and arms are what looks smaller, specifically - which again is bizarre because that's exactly what I thought looked smaller on me, too! I am SO thankful to have someone notice my efforts - WHAT a motivator!

3. Kristen spent the weekend with us, and I am sooooo thankful to now have a true friend in the state of NJ :)

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)


At August 14, 2007 at 8:27 PM , Blogger Middle-Aged Moi said...

Maybe it's the exercise. It's the main thing that made me look smaller too. WOOOO HOOOOO! Gotta love that feeling.

Here's my thanks for today:

1) Second day of school. Went really well!

2) Lunch with my Grandma- I adore that woman.

3) Talked to my sister for 1.5 hours last night. I love heart to hearts!


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