This morning...
... I was thinking about how thankful I am for something, which reminded me that I shamefully haven't posted here in two - TWO weeks. So here are a few thanks to make up for it:
1. I am sooooo thankful that I can afford the $1,000 a month it's going to cost us for daycare. No, we have no extra cash flow, but Hubby and I make a decent living and we're able to rearrange our finances to*just* make it work. I was thinking about how I used to make $330 a week at Hoam Deepoe (sound it out) 10 years ago, and how my monthly salary was only $200 more than a months worth of infant child care. I don't know how monetarily less fortunate people do it, but God bless them, sincerely.
2. I'm always, ALWAYS thankful for my good health and the good health of my family. This is something that one can NEVER take for granted.
3. I'm thankful that I am a person who remembers to be thankful for things, rather than be bitter about all that I don't have - like many of my coworkers and a few family members do. Life is too short to focus on what you lack... and when you focus on what you DO have, it just grows and grows...
4. I'm eternally grateful for the fabulous friends I've made who support me even when I'm not at my best (read: being bitchy). These people understand that humans are flawed individuals and most don't allow the bitchiness to take over - it's just a passing mood. They know this, and they love me anyway.
5. I'm thankful for some of the decisions I've made. I can be too eager at times and do things or tell people things without thinking. Lately, I've been able to filter that REALLY well, which is good, because it makes for far less regrets.
That's it for now...
What are YOU thankful for?
(Tell me in the comments!)
Haven't been here in awhile - sorry!
Today I'm especially thankful for my brother - he's the best brother on the planet!
The other two things... hmmm... my hubby and my pets!
Lame I know!
I needed to read this today! It's so easy for me to feel whiney and complainy...I'm thankful for:
(1) my baby girl's new cold doesn't seem too terrible...I think she's kicking it!
(2) a daycare that DOESN'T cost $1000/month. That would kill me!
We get by on $154/week...and it's a great place!
(3) a good stable job with summertime (and vacation) fast approaching! Whoo-hoo!
I am so thankful for....
1. My daughter's successful swimming class! I just got back from watching her & she did such a fabulous job!! This, from the child who was scared of the pool last summer! YAY!!!
2. The GLORIOUS weather we are having this week! It is just spectacular these days & we're able to get out & enjoy the park!
3. The quiet time that I am having right now...ahhhh...
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