Sunday, March 25, 2007

Cats, my town, generous people

1. I have said it many times before, but I am so very thankful for my cats. They love me unconditionally and they are incredibly entertaining. I love them a ton...

2. I live in a pretty remote area of northern NJ that is really beautiful. It lacks a lot of things that other people may take for granted - like restaurants, malls, etc, but it also has things that many people don't see everyday at their home, like all the wildlife, the mountains, the lakes. There are times when I'm cursing under my breath about this town because I happen to live next door to some very undesirable people and I'm also in a flood zone (and yes, it does flood). But all in all, the beauty I'm surrounded by in this little town of mine really does change me for the good, and has been since the day I moved here. I am so greatful to be living in such a beautiful area of the state.

3. I was recently contacted by a woman who wanted two blogs made over. Knowing that I was not going to be doing anymore for a while, she generously offered me more money for her makeovers. A LOT more. I could never take what she was offering, and she refused to pay only $50 a blog, so I asked for $100 each and she agreed. Because of her, I have decided that my blogitty makeovers will now start at $75. Not only has she given me the confidence to ask for what I'm worth, but after checking a few sites out that offer blog makeovers, it seems I was a tad underpriced after all. I am so thankful for the generosity of people, and thankful that this woman had the ability to see how much time goes into doing a blog makeover. We need more people like her in the world :)

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)


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