Thursday, March 15, 2007

Too many days not here...

I can't even believe that I haven't posted since Monday. I have no idea where the week went, but it seems like I've been running around like a lunatic and yet getting nothing accomplished. But I feel REALLY guilty that I haven't been posting here - it's like I totally forgot! Ok, time to make up for it:

1. I am SO grateful that the warmer weather is upon us. I know we'll still have a few days here and there of bitter cold I'm sure, but this week has been so nice that I've been walking at a park close to work on my lunch hour. And, this morning it was so warm out that I had the sliding glass doors to my deck open and was listening to the birds sing and letting the fresh air in. I am so thankful for the warmer weather, spring is on its way!

2. I am incredibly grateful for my decision to go back on a diet. In the three days I've been on it, I've lost 5 lbs and I've also cooked a few meals for myself, which were just delicious! And better yet, I'm enjoying myself while doing it - BIZARRE! I am so thankful that I am motivated to lose all of this excess weight!

3. I am grateful that my best friend Pammy doesn't mind a dirty house - that is, MY dirty house. She's coming for the weekend and while I always try to get it in tip top shape before she comes for a visit, I always fall short due to time constraints. As long as I have her room clean and ready, she pretty much doesn't care about the piles of books and bags of yarn all over the place. She's good like that, and I'm so grateful that she doesn't

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)


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