Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Enthusiasm, early rising, the drive in

1. I recently came up with a great idea for a side business and I just told my best friend all about it last night. She is so enthusiastic about it - she even wants to do it with me! I am SO thankful for the people I love to be enthusiastic about my ideas!

2. This morning I woke up before the alarm at around 6am. Thinking I should get a little more sleep, I tried to lay there for a while but I just couldn't - I was already too awake. So I got up around 6:30, got dressed, and went outside to water all of my plants, window boxes, and various veggie and flower gardens. By the time I was done with the back yard and window boxes, it was only 7:30am! That's the time I usually START! (and yes, it takes me about 2 hours to water everything by hand, front yard and back). After Hubby left for work, I went out into the front yard. Wouldn't you know it, I was done with everything by 9am and now I actually have time to sit and relax with a bowl of cereal for 30 minutes before I have to start getting ready for work! I am thankful for waking up early today! (and I just might have to make a habit of it!)

3. We actually have an old school drive in movie theater about 15 minutes from us. The movies start at 9pm, just as the sun has completely gone down. We love to go, however I don't usually get home until 8:45pm from work. So last night we decided to go - but I know I was going to be hungry because I hadn't eaten lunch at all. I asked if Hubby could go get us some Chinese food before I got home because we'd be late for the movie if we had to stop on the way. Well... when I pulled up to the house, he was already in his truck, with it started, waiting for me, WITH CHINESE FOOD! I am not only thankful to have a drive in so close to us, but I am thankful for Hubby who made it possible for us to make it there on time!!!

4. Bonus thanks: I am very thankful that Patricia found her wallet, in tact, nothing missing!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)


At June 27, 2007 at 9:55 AM , Blogger Rhonda said...

I'd be enthusiastic too, if you'd tell me. :P

At June 27, 2007 at 7:30 PM , Blogger kitchu said...

I don't feel thankful for a thing right now. I'm in a total, on the verge of tears FUNK.

And I always forget to come to this site, darn it.

At June 27, 2007 at 10:51 PM , Blogger Michelle said...

1. New meds. My doctor put me on some new medication, and for the first time in a long time I can feel the difference. I am very hopeful that these will actually help me.
2. My temp job. I am in the process of finding a new job, and in the meantime am watching my friend's child. It gives me plenty of time to find a new job, while spending my days at the pool. Score!
3. My laptop. My husband's computer has been in the shop forever, and he finally got it back, so I have my computer to myself again.

At June 28, 2007 at 7:45 AM , Blogger Pixel Fairy Princess said...

Heather, this is awesome. I think we start with what is on the surface : family, friend, health, a day at a water park :D, but then the more we get into it, the more the little things, like a cell phone in a car accident, takes on a deeper meaning and we realize how truly bless we are to live in an age that provided EEG's and CAT scans ~ something I am really thankful for this week.

Ladybug hugs,


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