Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Great ideas, 3lbs in a day, 8 days off

1. I had a million dollar idea the other day. I was thinking about what it is I could produce and sell as a side business, and it came to me. The whole idea came to me at once: everything I'd sell, the name of the company, products. Everything. I went online and even bought the domain name for it already, and I've done some research on some product that I need to purchase. It's like it was in my head the whole time, just waiting for me to find it. I'm a little intimidated to get things started, but I'm more excited than I am scared, and THAT s a GREAT THING! I am soooo grateful for this idea!

2. I recently saw a picture of myself from a wedding I went to last month. I had no clue - not even an idea - that I was as large as I am. I'm not one of those girls who is 20 lbs overweight and wrecks on themselves for being fat. I am VERY large - 100+ lbs over what I should be, and since I never see myself that way, the number on the scale doesn't register in my head as being "too much". Well, after seeing a few of those pics, I was dumbfounded. So, I restarted my diet yesterday. I watched all salt and sugar intake, drank my water, ate copious amounts of veggies, counted my points, and did REALLY well. Because of this, I was down 3 lbs overnight (don't get all "that's not healthy" on me, it's all water, and when you have 120lbs to lose, it's the equivalent of .5 for a mildly overweight person). I am very thankful to ME for sticking with it for an entire day, and for the scale showing me the rewards of my efforts!

3. I knew I had already used almost all of my vacation days this year, and it's only June. But when I was talking to the new person who keeps track of those things, she said "you have lots of days left!". I had no idea what she was talking about so I had her look it up. It turns out I had 2 vacation days left over from last year, as well as 2 days left for this year. I also have 4 personal days a year - and I thought I only got 2! So when you total them all up, I have 8 days coming to me for the rest of this year!!! am SO thankful for these days I have off!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)


At June 19, 2007 at 9:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all...way to go, Heather! Keep going! :)

Naps, Homestudy, Leftovers

1. Everyone keeps telling me that one of these days, very soon, my daughter will stop napping. Well, at 2 1/2 she is showing no sign of giving them up. Hooray! Today, I was DOG TIRED...went to bed way too late last night & my daughter was up & rarin' to go at 5:45 this morning...so...nap time came...she went out like a light for 3 hours & this tired Momma got to take a nap too & for that I am sooooo thankful!

2. Our homestudy for #2 was reviewed by our agency & needed just minor tweaking! YAHOO!!! After these small changes, it's off to USCIS to get that coveted I-171H & then, well, you know the rest! SOOOOO HAPPY about this last piece of the chase coming together!

3. Cooked a ridiculous amount of turkey burgers last night (no clue why, there are only 3 of us in this little fam)...the upside? NO COOKING TONIGHT! Just heat & eat!
Gotta love a no cooking night!

In general...I am feeling SO PEACEFUL today! Haven't felt that way in a long time...what do ya think, the nap, the almost done paperchase, or could it be...not cooking?? ;)

lucky momma to a sweetie from Hubei


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