Thursday, June 28, 2007

Thunder and lightening, plans with friends, favors

1. Yesterday we had some of the most amazing weather I've seen in a very long time. At lunch, I drove to the duck pond as per my usual, and as soon as I got there and parked, the skies opened up and it began to pour. While I sat there listening to the rain, the lightening started - and I witnessed bolts that literally lasted for 3 full seconds. It was truly amazing. Then, of course, came the thunder - and it literally shook my truck. It's been a very long time since I've sat through a lightening storm, and it was just amazing. I am thankful for the unbelievable weather!

2. I have some blogitty plans with one very cool chica this Saturday night! I have really been looking forward to meeting her in person and getting to know her better! I am thankful for a new friend in NJ :)

3. I've been thinking about gift ideas for a few people and yesterday it hit me as to what I should give them. So I called up my best friend Pammy who actually makes these gifts and sells them, and asked her for her help. I told her that I was low on cash and while I wasn't expecting anything for free, it would be better for me if it wasn't too expensive. She said if I bought the materials, she would make the gifts. I am SO thankful for my friend Pammy and for this huge favor she is doing me!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)


At June 28, 2007 at 9:11 AM , Blogger JoAnn in NJ said...

Hey Heather!
1) I am thankful for the cool breeze that the rain brought after the heat wave yesterday!
2) I am thankful for my healthy, happy, beautiful daughter and the fact that we are a loving family
3) I am thankful that I have a job that I get to creatively challenge myself every single day!
4) Bonus! I am thankful for my beautiful gardens, my backyard is teeny-tiny, but I have a lovely brook in my backyard and have crammed in many flowers, trees and bushes to make it feel lush and beautiful.

JoAnn in NJ

At June 28, 2007 at 10:23 AM , Blogger Pug Mama said...

Okay this will be my first time...I'm a virgin ;0)
Being that I am a mommy my first ever three thanks should be pretty obvious....
1. I am thankful for my 12 year old daughetr Ashley. She came to me in a time in my life when I was in a pretty unhealthy 5 year relationship. I had a very high risk pregnancy, and I truly consider her my miracle child. I left her father when she was 3 months old, and found her "true-meant-to-be-father" when she was around 2. The day she was placed in my arms for the first time, I found out the true meaning of the word "love"
2. My son Jacob. The first born of my twins. He is 3 minutes older. Also, once again, a very difficult high risk pregnancy, another miracle child. He is my sensitive, attached at my hip child, and I eat every second of it up.
3. My son Justin, my second born twin. He was a tiny, little guy, only 4 pounds. Through out my whole pregnancy, the doctors had to keep a very close eye on him, because his brother was growing at a good pace, and he was not. He was born healthy, only some problems with his sucking reflex, due to a weak tongue, which has been the cause of some speech problems. But thank God, he is healthy!

At June 28, 2007 at 10:53 AM , Blogger LeftyMcThump said...


I inadvertently flagged this blog instead of hitting "Next blog". I'm sorry for any trouble this might cause and feel free to forward this to any mods that may/may not contact you.

At June 28, 2007 at 11:15 AM , Blogger kitchu said...

I'm so glad you made this more "public" - I'm horrible about remembering to come here! Okay. SO, my 3 thanks today:

1. Fed Ex. Who will soon be delivering what I'm thankful for in number two & three. See below.(NO, not Macey, DON'T I WISH),but I'll be very thankful to them again in, oh, 3 or so years).
2. My new wide angle zoom (anticipation of it's arrival is mounting BY THE MINUTE).
3. My polarizer for my lens (all my lenses) so that at last there will be no "glare" and images will be sharper in my outdoor photos.

TOTALLY a shallow thanks- but hey, I experience the divine every time I shoot!

At June 28, 2007 at 12:08 PM , Blogger Middle-Aged Moi said...

Today, as I am feeling quite ill with the flu (THANKS to the children for sharing with me), I am thankful for:

1) the toilet. I know that seems silly, but I don't have to clean anything up, and it gets rid of...ahem "stuff".

2) my health. I know this is just the flu. I know I will get better. We have a friend who is dying of ALS, so I put this minor setback in perspective.

3) my children. This morning they got themselves breakfast while I They even put the dishes in the dishwasher, bless their little hearts. And they gave me "Get Well" cards. Oh, how I adore them.

At June 28, 2007 at 12:20 PM , Blogger Mamacita said...

I'm thankful for my wonderful husband, my magical daughter and our lovely house in the mountains.

At June 28, 2007 at 12:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weather, Finished Home Study, Hubby

1. I am also a BIG fan of thunder & lightening & last night it was spectacular! I am also thankful that my daughter slept right through it! :)
This morning I noticed there was such a beautiful, cool breeze in the shade I just stopped & breathed it all in...very thankful for small moments like these!

2. Our home study is DONE!!! And tomorrow it's off the USCIS!! Need I say more? ;)

3. Gotta give a big shout out to Hubby...he is really awesome & I think I've been taking him for granted lately...he listens to ALL of my drama & keeps me "real" when I need it...I am so blessed to have him in my life! :)

BOnus: *Still* thankful for getting my wallet back! Lol!


At June 28, 2007 at 12:49 PM , Blogger kerri said...

Fun idea,
1. Thankful for a ggod night's sleep in cool cotton sheets dried on my clothesline.
2. Kisses from my kids, snoggey noses and all.
3. My morning coffee sitting on my deck watching the birds and baby bunnies in my yard.

At June 28, 2007 at 2:32 PM , Blogger t~ said...

The dh and I kept gratitude journals for a year and everyday wrote down 3 things to be thankful for and I agree with everything you said.

Today I am thankful for..
1. my husband and his health
2. my snoring dog
3. my loud...very loud boys that make me batty. Without them I'd be lost.

At June 28, 2007 at 3:25 PM , Blogger ~Kristen said...

I can never seem to remember to come here regularly.. but Thursdays I will make a point of it.. hopefully more!

1. I am thankful that I go back to work tomorrow..Summer school.. as much as I love time off I need a regular paycheck, and am thankful to have this job each summer.

2. I am sooo thankful to have "met" you, and can't wait for Saturday to share a cocktail in person, gab all night about life, and put meaning behind the phrase.. "my friend Heather"!!

3. I am thankful for the nice car salesman that sold me the car I have been dreaming of for months.. I love every second im in it!

At June 28, 2007 at 9:38 PM , Blogger as we know it. said...

Ok this is my first time so here goes!
1) I am thankful I finally got my referral.
2) I am thankful for Kim who sent me a present for Zoe, what a great bloggy friend.
3) I am thankful for my boss who just gave me a paid day off because I was so stressed at work.


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