Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I'm training someone at work, which is mostly when I Training her means that she is sitting next to me, viewing everything on my monitor at all times - I can't email, web surf, blog, read blogs, look at porn... nothing (Yeah, right! ROFL!). So I'm sorry for my absence so quickly after getting back here, but it's unavoidable.

So, on with my three thanks!

1. I am thankful for my own assertiveness and that I stand up for what I need.

2. Hubby has been doing so much around the house that he became the primary cleaner and house keeper, and I became the slug. I am so thankful to have a husband who will do everything around the house, including making my dinner while I sit on my fat It's not intentional at all - I didn't even realize I've been slacking until yesterday. I'm trying to turn that around (got a load of laundry in and I just scrubbed the potty!), but in the meantime, I'm grateful for all of his hard efforts.

3. I'm thankful for old friends who decided to get back in touch with me - they always have great news to share (seriously!) and I'm always so overjoyed for them!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in the comments!)


At January 10, 2008 at 1:02 PM , Blogger Middle-Aged Moi said...

Thankful for:

1) My kids are doing the dusting in the living room. I'm thankful for slave labour. :-)

2) A new video camera. HOORAY!

3) Blueberry muffins....boy, am I ever CRAVING those things.....

At January 10, 2008 at 3:55 PM , Blogger Patricia said...

1. Thankful for wonderful DH who is being Mr. Mom right now as I am, once again, sick as a dog (what is UP with this lately???)

2. Thankful today is a school day for my daughter so that I can take the entire day to rest & get well!

3. Thankful that my biggest problem right now is a stomach virus & nothing MORE!


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