Monday, March 31, 2008

So many things...

1. I'm thankful for my mother and her genuine excitement and fabulous reactions to great news :)

2. I'm thankful for all of the rock solid friendships I've made in certain bloggers... and that I've been able to avoid the crazy ones (for the most

3. I'm thankful for the full nights sleep I got last night, after waking up at 4:30am and thinking I wouldn't be able to sleep any more! I actually didn't get up until 7am!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in the comments!)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

It's Easter...

... and again, I've been neglecting coming here, but not for any other reason then I keep forgetting (I know, that's terrible).

Here are my Three Thanks:

1. After being sick for soooooooo very long, I am finally eating regularly, and my nausea has disappeared :) But because of this, unfortunately, the 12lbs I lost has found me again :(

2. I am SOOOOOOO blessed to have the husband I have. Soooooooo blessed....

3. Although it doesn't look or feel like it, spring is here, and with that will come my hundreds of plants! All of my hard work over these past 4 years in this house of planting perennial after perennial Is FINALLY starting to show!

Oh, and of course, Happy Easter to all!!!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in the comments!)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It's been 2 weeks...

I was really, really sick. The flu AND bronchitis. I barely had the energy to sit in front of the laptop most days, so when I did, I chose to do one thing - and unfortunately, I didn't choose to come here :(

So I'm back, and I'm SOOOOOOO grateful for so many things! So today, I'm just going to list a bunch of stuff I'm grateful for!

1. Babies from Africa - and their mama :)
2. Hubei mama's who pray for me :)
3. Keeping my temp below 102!
4. Waking up today for the first time in 2 weeks and not having my 20 minute coughing, gagging, vomiting - today I didn't do that!!!! This is HUGE!
5. Being able to take pictures of my insides :)
6. Great friends
7. A great mother in law
8. My mom & step dad coming to visit me soon!
9. Not hacking up a lung when I talk to clients at work
10. Going back to my natural color and having it look great!

So there are 10 things for you!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in the comments!)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

It's been a while

1. I'm thankful that I'm able to get liquids down, and keep them down (fingers crossed). I have bronchitis AND the flu. Since y'day I've had a fever that won't go away, hacking cough, body aching horribly, (violently) vomiting up anything I put in me - but that could have been the Robitussin w/codeine not sitting well. Even broke blood vessels in my face & that's never happened to me before. Was so bad last night almost went to the hospital, even if to just get hydrated. Been up since 3 with another fever, but thankfully none have been over 101 (that was highest and was brief). Let work know I'm not coming in today & will report back to them later this afternoon as to whether I still have a pulse. I'm so dehydrated that I lost 4 pounds overnight. So I'm thankful that I don't have a fever right now and that liquids are staying down.

2. I'm thankful for a husband who, even when he's sick, takes care of me.

3. I'm thankful for my positive attitude in always seeing a bad situation and saying "a week from now, you won't even remember this - it'll all be over before you know it". That's how I'm handling being sick, and I've already got one day down - only 6 more to

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in the comments!)