Monday, April 30, 2007

I'm back...

I can't believe I haven't been here in almost a week! I never meant to let it slide like that but with the hands and wrist thing I guess it just got away from me....

Today I am thankful for:

1. Waking up without pain! YAY!

2. The gorgeous beautiful day we are having, even if it IS a Monday....

3. Finding a random nasturtium plant growing in my garden!

I know it was short & sweet today, but I'm trying to conserve my wrists for the rest of the day :)

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Me, Hubby, shopping gods

1. Compared to many. many other people I know, I am SO glad I'm me. I'd take my faults and shortcomings over those people's stuff any day of the week. I am SOOOOO very thankful that I am me!

2. I mentioned to Hubby y'day morning that we should go to the drive in that very evening and he said "sure!" When I pulled up last night and was sitting in front of the house on the cell phone, he came out and said "we going to the movies still?" I had totally forgotten! When I got in the house he had a little cooler packed with stuff and everything. How thoughtful! I am so thankful for my fabulous husband!

3. I had to find something to wear to a wedding this weekend and as luck would have it, I only needed one trip to the fitting room (which is a miracle in itself for me!). I found something really nice, really quickly AND it was on sale - what a deal! I am so grateful to have had such luck today at the mall!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I'm thinking, I'm thinking...

Today is not a good day for me to do the 3T, but I'm doing it anyway.

1. I'm thankful that I have income that affords me the opportunity to pay all of my bills

2. I'm grateful I have arms and legs, no matter how painful they seem to get sometimes

3. I'm thankful that I have a place like the Blogosphere to vent my frustrations to when needed.

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Monday, April 23, 2007

Trusting my gut, the sun, dirt

1. Sometimes I get involved with something that seems like it was a good idea at first, and then I get this subtle feeling that whatever I got involved in isn't right for me. When I don't listen to that little voice, it grows stronger. I recently found myself in a situation where the voice grew louder and louder, telling me to back out of a project I was working on with someone and I still wouldn't listen to it. Then, as if the universe had had enough of my turning away from my gut, it sent me an email that was the final catalyst to get me moving in the direction that I needed to go (which was away from the project), and I emailed the person letting them know I was bowing out. As soon as I hit send, I'd never been more relaxed and relieved than since before I said I'd take the project on... and that's how I knew it was the right decision for me. I am thankful that I didn't wait to long and that I got out of it before it had really even started, and I am incredibly grateful for that little voice in my gut that is always there to keep me in check.

2. This weekend was absolutely beautiful outside and the sun was out in full force for the first time in a loooooong time. I am so thankful for the beautiful weekend we had!

3. This weekend was also the first time that the weather has been good enough to go out and work in the yard. Since I've been unable to do much on the computer, I tried my wrist out in the garden and miraculously, I had no pain. So it seems that my carpal tunnel only really hurts me when I'm on my computer. I was able to dig up plants ad move them around, and haul bags of dirt and get all dirty because of it - which I love! I am so grateful that my wrist hasn't stopped me from getting outside and digging in the dirt!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Friday, April 20, 2007

The sun, healthy & working wrists, my husband

1. This is the first time the sun has been out all month, and I could feel my mood lift immediately. It's amazing what the sun does for my attitude, especially after SUCH a gray season (two seasons actually!). I am extremely grateful to have a sunny weekend to look forward to!

2. I wore my wrist brace to bed last night and didn't take it off while I slept (the way I had done the night before). My wrist has been killing me all day, however I think I realized why that was - because the brace I was wearing was hurting me and sending shooting pains up my arm! I took the brace off and even though my wrist is still a little painful, it's SO much better than it was. I am so thankful to have two healthy & working wrists!

3. I've been thinking a lot about how I'd love for my husband to do something spontaneous for me, like leave me a voicemail just to say he loves me, buy me flowers, or maybe a card. He is extremely loving when we're together, but never thinks to do anything like that on a regular basis (or even bi-annually). I got home last night and after putting my things down, he hands me an envelope and said "here, this is for you!" with a big smile on his face. I open it and it's a small card, which reads, "To know you is to love you..." and on the inside it reads, "... and I know you a whole lot!". I didn't ask for him to do a thing, and yet I thought about it all week - and he went and did it. It brought a tear to my eye and I hugged and thanked him profusely. It's the little things like that that make my week. am so very grateful for my fabulous husband!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Hubby, hands, beauty

1. I am always so thankful for my husband. He puts up with an entirely obscene amount of insanity from me, and barely whimpers when suffering through it. I am so very blessed to have such a helpful husband.... and I am so very grateful for him.

2. I am suffering with some annoying carpal tunnel pain right now, but I am still so very thanful to have both hands, wrists, arms... some don't have such little to complain about as I do. Therefore, I am forever grateful to have all my working parts :)

3. I struggle with self esteem sometimes when I realize how much weight I've gained in the past 3 years. I beat myself up for it almost daily. Because of this, sometimes I get into a funk that sucks all other negative thoughs floating around into it like a big black hole of dysfunction. It doesn't last long, but once there, it's numbing. I am taking this moment to recognize that I am beautiful. That is something I find hard to say, so I have to remember to say it more often so I won't be so uncomfortable with it. We are all beautiful and we should love ourselves as much as possible, in every way. I am thankful that I was blessed with good genes.

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Monday, April 16, 2007

Dry, dry, dry

1. I am so greatful the flood waters receded and did not come in our house!

2. I am so thankful that our house didn't get flooded

3. I am so incredibly greatful and thankful that my house is dry, dry, dry!!!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Friday, April 13, 2007

iPods, good sleep, no stress

1. When I got my iPod, I knew it was cool and I knew that everyone else had one, and I knew eventually I would put it to really good use. Well, I just loaded it up with some more tunes for our road trip to Canada, and I couldn't be more psyched to have all of my music on one little machine. I am very thankful for my iPod!

2. The night before last I couldn't sleep well because of a pinched nerve in my neck that was really painful. No matter how I turned, I just couldn't get comfortable. Lastnight I went to bed at about midnight and got up this morning at 5am - and I slept like a rock! I am SOOOOOO grateful to ahve gotten some good quality sleep!

3. I've been stressing these past few days with the build up to leaving today, just thinking about everything that needed to get done before this morning, and now I'm no longer stressed and will be able to fully enjoy the ride! I am so thankful to be relaxed!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your thoughts!)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

T3 buds, Hubby, friends in general

1. I'm so thrilled when someone shares their Three Thanks with me - it reassures me that there are other people out there who are with me in giving thanks for all that we have :) I am so very thankful for my pals who post here!

2. Hubby and I are going on a road trip over the weekend and the house is a wreck. The problem? My inlaws are coming to check in on the cats while we're away. I called him today in a slight panic about how we're going to get everyting done, and he said not to worry, that we can do it. Just having confidence that we could helped me to calm down. I'm thankful to have such a helping hubby!

3. I'm really blessed with a small but tight-knit group of friends. They have been there through think and thin, and I love every one of them. I'm so thankful to have these fabulous people in my life!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hubby, bloggers, spring

1. Hubby made dinner for me lastnight and had it ready when I got home. It made it sooooo much easier on me than my having to make dinner at 9pm and not getting done til 10. I am very thankful for my wonderful husband....

2. I can't express to you how much some of these peeps in Blogland mean to me. I never woulda thunk it. I am so very grateful for my blogitty buddies!

3. Spring has finally sprung, and while I'm overwhelmingly intimidated at the amount of work that needs to be done in my gardens and yard, I am so very thankful for the sight of flowers popping throuh the ground!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Monday, April 9, 2007

Happy Wrists, some time off, a long weekend

1. I haven't posted here in a few because my wrists have been aching from carpal tunnel. But I'm happy to report that a weekend that was mostly spent away from the computer did me some good, and my wrists, while not totally back to normal, are feeling much better. I am very thankful for the lack of pain I feel in my body!

2. This coming weekend the Hubby and I are going to Toronto for a few different reasons, all of which are fun fun fun! We really need this time to go away and I'm very thankful to have the mini vacation coming up!

3. On Friday night, a friend of ours decided to have an impromptu gathering at his house and it was a blast! Not only that, but partying on a Friday night always seems to make the weekend longer for me. I'm thankful to have had such a great time with great people on Friday night!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Lefty, Coupon codes, The Gods of Money

1. I'm battling with a touch of carpal tunnel in my right wrist and hand that is really making me want to gnaw my hand off at the forearm and just call it a day. However, there's no need to fret about it - I can do everything LEFTY! I am so thankful that I am ambidextrous!!!

2. I just ordered a few things online that, with a coupon code that I found on the internet, came to $21 less than the original total! Also, there was a sale on a few things I ordered, so I got a total of $71 off! I am so thankful for coupon codes that save me money!

3. I have not been shopping a fraction of what I used to now that I have no credit cards. However, lately I have been shopping like a mad woman and whereas I though I had something to worry about, I don't - because I shopped with nothing but cash, and I had PLENTY of it to spend this month!!! I am so grateful to the money they have given me plenty this month!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Law of Attraction, Law of Attraction, Law of Attraction

It's been a few days since I've posted here, lots going on in my life to keep me busy and distracted. My Three Thanks today are all for the Law Of Attraction. I am so eternally grateful for my own inner guide that has always told me that there was more to this life than waking up, going through the motions, going to sleep and then getting up the next day and doing it all over again. I have known from a very young age that there was more to it than that, and that my wildest dreams could be fulfilled if ony I learned what it was I needed to do to make that happen.

Well, I now know that one of those components of getting to your dreams is the Law Of Attraction, and I've been using it for quite some time now... and the results are amazing. If you aren't familiar with the Law of Attraction, I suggest you put on a pot of coffee and start searching the net. You'll find lots and lots of reading material, and I have no doubt that it will resonate with you on some level.

So my entire post today is dedicated to the Law Of Attraction, my belief in it, and finally, the belief in my own abilities to fulfill my own dreams, easily, and flawlessly, and without fail.

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Lil' Miss Gracie Mae, Bloggettes, My Hubby

1. Gracie comes to me in my daydreams whenever I least expect it. Even though she isn't yet conceived, I can still feel her energy coming to me... and that's how I know that no matter whether you birth your children of if they come to you from a far off distant land, your children were meant to be your children. I have no doubt for a second that my daughter will be born in China, but her energy is everywhere... I am so thankful to feel my daughters presence.... :)

2. I just have to say that I love all of the women I've met on the blogs. They are strong and fabulous individuals, and I am so very thankful to have them all on this journey.

3. The first thing my Hubby said to me this morning upon waking was, "baby, I love you so very much...". And this my friends, is one of the million reasons I am deeply and madly in love with my husband. I am so grateful to have him in my life!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)