Friday, September 28, 2007

Friday, finances, hair

1. It's Friday, and I can't tell you how wonderful that is for I am thankful the weekend is upon us!

2. Hubby and I have never joined finances. We were both independent when we met, with our own debt, and figured we'd merge when our debt was paid off. Fast forward to nearly 5 years later when we both have twice as much debt, a house, new trucks, etc, and we still have separate finances/banks. Today we are *supposed* to go to the back to join forces so to speak. We might not make it there because he has to wait for FedEx to bring a laptop for work, but if they show up bright and early as they usually do, we're headed out to joined. And if that happens, then on Sunday we're reworking out budget (I've kept one for years, he doesn't keep one at all), and I'm excited! I'm thankful that we're finally going to get our money together once and for all.

3. I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow and I'm excited about it! And, since I dyed my own hair last month, I don't have to get it done and I won't go broke paying for it! The cut is still going to be astronomically expensive, but still cheaper than cut and highlights. I am thankful for not having to go and spend an arm and a leg tomorrow for my hair!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in the comments!)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I don't need to be right, Wednesday, hubby, and a PS

1. In my field (I.T.), I encounter many individuals who have the need to be right. So much so that even though they're calling or writing me for assistance on something they don't know about, they still insist that they are right and I am wrong.

The best is when they are blatantly wrong in front of others while being an ass about it - i.e., the email exchange I've been having with one serious ass-hat named Randolph (he's probably just pissed that his parents named him Anyway, he was EXTREMELY rude in an email he sent to us y'day claiming our software was garbage and the cause of all his problems. He made it a point to cc a bunch of people at his firm as well so they could see what a huge set of cahones he has on him, shooting off a nasty email to us. The funny thing is, I did a REPLY ALL as well and explained to him that 1. we hadn't heard from him since March and didn't know he even had this issue, and 2. we could easily fix his problem. He shot off his own "reply all" stating that he already did what I told him I would do to fix the problem, and then spelled out what he did (in all caps no less) - which was completely incorrect. Did I mention he replied to all? Yeah... so I did another reply all and told him the error of his ways and how what he did was incorrect. I then told him to call in again for assistance.

Some people need to be right, no matter how much of an ass they make themselves out look in the process, and no matter how wrong they actually are. I am very thankful that I am NOT one of these people.

2. It's Wednesday. Two more days and it's Friday :)

3. I know I thank him a lot, but I have to again. I'm thankful for my hubby because he is an amazing person to love me in spite of all my flaws....

PS - Patricia - the email you sent me y'day made me cry :) THANK YOU!!!!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in the comments!)

Monday, September 24, 2007

feeling good, writing ability, friends who check in on me

1. I had a doozie of a painful Saturday. My womanly issues reached their all time high when I had to resort to prescription controlled substances to take the edge off. To say that a knife in the face would have been a nice distraction is putting it mildly. I am thankful to have a Dr's appt on Oct 9th and I'm thankful to not be in so much pain today.

2. I am a good writer... at least I think so I may not be a literary genius or the best with grammatically correct paragraphs. And I might not even be the best speller - but I write the way I speak. I write using the words themselves as punctuation, in a way to most accurately and succinctly get my point and views across to the reader so that they can feel what I'm saying as well as hear it. I don't always think I'm a good writer, but after perusing some articles on the net this past week, I think I've missed my calling... because I know I'm better than at least a quarter of them.... I am thankful for my writing ability :)

3. I am thankful for my friends here who check in on me when I take a bloggy break :) I love you guys :)

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in the comments!)

Friday, September 21, 2007


Ok, I'll find something to be thankful for:

1. I'm thankful that I haven't completely gone insane obsessing over my "health issues". WTF is wrong with me??? Thankful I haven't completely lost my mind over it... yet.

2. I'm thankful that my friend Pam - who is coming to stay the weekend with me - doesn't mind a cluttered house :)

3. I'm thankful that my 2-day headache (that I woke up with... again) has finally gone away.

PS - Janet, please email me - I can't find your email addy... Thanks!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in the comments!)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Hope, new day, Wednesday

1. I'm quite surprised at the hopefulness I have regarding a certain situation in my life right now. If it doesn't work out, I'll be mildly disappointed, but totally ok with that outcome too. But after having such disappointment in the past, to find that I am actually hopeful about this did indeed surprise me. I am thankful that time heals wounds and that I grow stronger from my experiences.

2. It's a new day and new girl has lost her attitude. I am thankful that I didn't drop-kick anyone

3. I can't believe it's Wednesday already. Only two more days til the weekend and then my friend Pam is staying with us! I'm thankful that the week is flying by me...

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Control, control, control

1. I am very thankful that with age, I have learned that some things aren't worth focusing on.

2. I am very thankful that with experience, I know what is important to give my energy to, and what is not.

3. I am extremely thankful that I have the self control to not choke the ever-loving crap out of the new girl who just got bent at me for trying to explain her how she needs to do her job. She is NEW - hence the reason she needs to be told. Tough shit sister, you need to do it right or not at all. Thanks for the silent treatment. You're 40 years old - it's very mature of you. And BTW, you're still a temp... you can still be replaced.

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments)

Friday, September 14, 2007

Friday, no plans, mom's ok

1. I'm forever grateful it's Friday :)

2. I am incredibly thankful that I have nothing planned this weekend AT ALL!!!!

3. My mom had surgery the other day and I'm grateful that she is doing so well!!!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in the comments!)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

kind words, Wednesday already, everything

1. It's amazing what a few kind words will do for a person. I am thankful for all of the kind words I've received lately...

2. Because I was out of work Mon & Tues with back pain, it's already Wednesday. While I'm not thankful for the pain, I am thankful to be starting my week in the middle of the week.

3. I'm still overly thankful and grateful for everything in my life... crappy stuff included. Because I have a life...

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in the comments!)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Thankful beyond words

That's all I have to say today....

Monday, September 10, 2007

Life, family, things

1. I am thankful for my life. 'Nough said.

2. I am also thankful for the beautiful people who are my family....

3. It still amazes me sometimes that I'll be doing something totally benign and it hits me that this beautiful "fill in the blank" is actually mine. I had a weird one this morning where I went into my medicine cabinet for something and remarked silently to myself, 'This is a beautiful medicine cabinet... and it's mine... and it's in my beautiful bathroom, in MY HOUSE!" (all still silently might I Sometimes I have that kind of "Thankful stream of consciousness". I am thankful for all of the beautiful things that are mine that I thought I'd never have.... like my house and everything in it.

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Referral days, another pound, Frank

1. My friend Patricia posted all about her referral day on her blog (password protected) and while I was reading, I felt like I was right there with her. It then got me to thinking about the day we'll get the referral for Gracie, and it made me very excited, happy, and full of love. Thank you to my friend Patricia for sharing her story, because it brought joy back into this adoption process for me...

2. I have lost another pound (finally, first one in 2+ weeks!) for a grand total of 18 pounds down!!! How can you not be thankful for that??? lol...

3. A man I used to work with died Tuesday night. I left that company three years ago and hadn't kept in touch with him, yet when I heard about his death at the tragically young age of 53, it still hit me like a ton of bricks. This was a good man, a very good human being. He was the kind of person whose energy drew all around him into it. I spent countless hours and lunches with him, listening to his grandiose stories of traveling the world (and all true stories at that), and even with his immense wealth and high ranking business status in the financial world, he still treated everyone as if they were his cousin or close friend, always on the same level, the same playing field, and it was one of the reasons he was so well loved. I am thankful that I knew Frank, because he helped to remind me how to treat others and how to live life from a place of joy....

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Thanks for a bunch of things....

I've been away from here since the holiday weekend and I just can't get back into the swing of things, blog-wise. I have MUCH to be thankful for, but will only list three short things here:

1. My Amigurumi crochet book came yesterday and I am totally addicted to it already. I can't wait to make some stuff!!!! I am so thankful for having found this style of crochet!

2. I think I have finally found peace with a decision I've been needing to make. I am just going to let go, live my life and see what happens. There will be no putting off of things while I wait for something that I have no idea if and when it will happen. We will cross those bridges when we get to them. I am thankful for being able to relax about this.

3. I am thankful for my new hair color. I'm still surprised when I look in the mirror and see how much darker it is (especially when it needs to be washed! lol!) but I really think it compliments me. No more bleached out blond for me.

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in the comments!)