Thursday, May 31, 2007


I've been in a really foul mood lately, and I'm searching for something to write about being thankful for. It's not that I don't have things to be thankful for, everyone does no matter how tumultuous their life is. But I'm just being pissy about it.

Since no one comes here save for a few peeps I dig, I'm going to use this blog to vent. I'd post about it on my other blog, but it's a juvenile vent and I would rather not be mocked for it. But still, it's bugging me and I just don't freaking get it.

I don't blog for comments. I truly don't. I like when people comment, but it's not why I blog.

But... why is it that some people can post about what they ate for lunch and get 40 comments, and I can post about a horrific event in my life and get 9? Some people post about having nothing to say and get 60+... Me? I can post about finding out I'm pregnant with triplets the day before boarding a plane to China (just an example) and get less than 12.

So here's my question: What gives? What makes a post about paint drying so much more interesting and comment-worthy than my post about my father having a sex-change operation (again, just an example)?

I told you this was juvenile... but I just can't help but wonder WTF people are thinking when they get all wrapped up on someone else's blog in a post about technically.... nothing. I guess my problem is that I hope for people to comment and when they don't, I get bummed out. That never used to be the case, my wanting comments... that is, until I started seeing posts on other blogs getting 40+ comments about something like fried bologna. Hell, I poured my soul out regarding my miscarriage and I only received something like 19 comments. AGAIN, I don't blog for comments, but when I see that I get over a hundred hits a day and yet only 4 comments, it really does make me wonder what makes a post comment worthy or not, and why my posts are the "not's".

Ok, my juvenile rant is over. But if anyone has any ideas as to why this is the case, please let me know...

Ok, three thanks:

1. I am thankful for my husband, who always has a wise ass comment for me when I get home

2. I am thankful that I stood up for myself to the cretin I work with

3. I am thankful that my relationship with the other person at work went from horrific to really great

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Nature, Wednesday, hope

1. This morning I took pictures of a deer that was standing in the middle of our street. Last week I took pics of a bear in my neighbors backyard. I love that nature is all around me where I live - It keeps me n check to remember what matters most. I am so thankful to live in the middle of good old mother nature.

2. There are only two more full days til the end of the week, and although this was a short one, I really can't wait til it's over. I'm thankful for the short week and that Friday is only 2 more sleeps away! lol...

3. Hope. There are times when I doubt myself and doubt my situation and doubt I'll ever be able to change it. Those times are usually brief, I assure you. But I've been having them lately, and I am thankful that even in the midst of them, I still cling to hope. And the more I think about hope, the better I feel. I am so very thankful that I have hope to get me thought the negative thoughts that sometime invade my head.

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My yard, my hubby, my body

1. I freaking love my yard. I know I spend money that I don't have on plants, but after all is said and done, I love my yard. I swear to you, it is my meditation, my therapy, my homeopathic Although I'll be paying it off well into the winter months, right now the end result to me, is priceless. I am so happy and thankful for my beautiful yard...

2. Over the past few weekends, my Hubby has busted his ass digging and hauling stuff to create a gorgeous walk on the side of the garage for us. I am so impressed with the result, but more impressed with his efforts. He tends to be a "glass half empty" kinda guy, complaining about things that are either microscopic, or haven't even happened yet. And yes, it does kill my spirit some. But he has approached this project with the gusto of a man who cannot fail, and boy did he do a fabulous job - with minimal complaining throughout. I am so thankful for my hubby and his positive attitude that helped him create a gorgeous walkway!

3. I have worked in my yard for 36 hours this past holiday weekend. I busted my butt so hard, there were times at the end of the night I thought I'd cry because my feet hurt so badly. But you know what? I survived - and I did more than I thought I was capable of doing, and it feels great knowing that. Yes, my body hurts - but I can do it all and did do it all, and the more I do it, the less I will hurt. I am sooooo incredibly grateful for my amazing body that is capable of so very much more than I give it credit for.

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Friday, May 25, 2007

Three day weekend, handsome hubby, my neck

1. Do I really need to explain why I'm thankful for a three day weekend??? lol... Well, I am totally thrilled about it, and not only that, we get out of work a whole 2 hours early today! YAY!!!! I am soooooo grateful for the short day and the long weekend!

2. I know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I really do think my hubby is totally handsome. He's not "cute" in the "OMG look at that guy he's so hot!" kinda way - he's not that showy about himself. But he's tall (6'1"), stocky (which I LOVE), and boy, that face - he's got a great mug on him. He's not hard to look at, that's for sure.... I am so thankful that with every year that passes, I find myself more and more attracted to my hubby :)

3. Yesterday at work my neck started bothering me so much, I winced in pain over it. By the end of the day, I was moving like Frankenstein... I put a heating pad on it for an hour and then went to bed. I woke up with some pain, but it's not even close to what it was y'day. I am so thankful that my pain is going away as quickly as it came!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

My job, my creativity, my excess stuff

1. I am so very thankful for the job I have that pays me extremely well.

2. I am very grateful to have the ability to be creative and come up with lucrative ideas for side money.

3. I am thankful to have so much excess stuff laying around that I can eBay and sell at a garage sale - there is at least a thousand dollars worth of stuff just sitting here waiting to be sold!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

New beginnings, the scale, commenters

1. I just got accepted to the Ornamental Horticulture program at our local community college. I am obsessed with gardening and plants and the like, and I am miserable doing what I do now (computers). I met a fellow adoptive parent and she told me she was a CPA and tossed it all aside to get the very same degree I just got accepted for, at the very same college, and she is fabulously happy now. She is the one who put the seed in my head and now, I'm following in her footsteps! I am so thankful for the courage and opportunity to start anew!

2. The scale continues to go down! I am so thankful for that, and for my belief that it really will happen this time!

3. While I don't blog for comments, they are always nice to get. I see sooooo many blogs where the person will post what they ate for dinner and get 60+ comments. I post something to the effect of a story where I shave my head and get 5 people arrested, and I get under 10. I ask a question and I get even less. Therefore, I am so very grateful for those few people who comment on my blog - your words mean a lot to me, and I appreciate them!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Crochet, family BBQ's,

1. I just finished a loooong overdue crochet project for a friend, and I'm soooo thankful it's finished! But now that it IS finished, sometimes I still amaze myself with my ability to crochet. These projects don't usually turn out exactly as I envision them, but they turn out even better. I am so very thankful that I have the ability to crochet!

2. On Saturday my mother, step dad, sister and nephew all came to our house for a BBQ, in the rain. I still grilled the food, but instead we had to eat at the kitchen table. I made almost everything the night before, even down to the cutting of the veggies for salad - and that made a world of difference in my enjoying the day on Saturday, because there was nothing to prep! We all sat and talked and ate and laughed, and I really enjoyed their company. We don't often get visitors because we live at least an hour from everyone we know. While it keeps people from just dropping by when the house is eyeball deep in cat hair, it also keeps anyone from ever wanting to plan things at your house, which can be depressing sometimes. When all was said and done, my mother called that night after getting home and I was in the shower. She told Hubby that they had such a great time, and that it was so nice sitting all day at the table. You see, they never sit at the table at their house, they always eat in the den. I was thrilled that something so small, something that Hubby and I do very often, was something that was so appreciated! I am very thankful that they made the trek to come visit me and that they had a great time!

3. A few bloggers are reading or have read The Kite Runner and I've been inspired to do the same based on their raving reviews. I knew I'd never have the time to pick up a book, so I went to and signed up for their "one credit a month" club. They have a sale going right now where your first three months are only $7.95. I signed up and was able do download the book to iTunes and then put it on my iPod, for 1/3 the actual cost of the book. I am grateful that sites like audible exist!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in the comments!)

Monday, May 21, 2007

8 pounds, Top Tracks, a manicured lawn

1. I've been on Weight Watchers for one month now and I've lost 8 pounds. I wasn't religiously faithful to it all month with everything going on with my neck, yet somehow I still pulled it off. I am sooooo motivated now, it's I am so thankful for the 8 pounds gone!

2. I have an XM satellite radio unit in my car. I usually listen to all different things in the morning, or sometimes a CD. But lately, the Top Tracks station has been incredible... nothing but classic rock - and there's nothing better than classic rock when the weather gets warmer. It just puts me in the BEST mood... I am very thankful to have my XM radio!

3. Hubby went out in the rain on Saturday morning and cut the front and back lawns. Then he weed whacked everything. And then he even raked! All in the rain... and it looked sooooooo great! I am very thankful to hubby (as usual), but incredibly grateful for the beautifully manicured lawn that brings me happiness to look at!

what are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in the comments!)

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Patricia in NYC, validation, moving

1. I am very thankful for one of the posters here, Patricia in NYC. There aren't very many people who come to this blog, but she has come back time and time again. I didn't start this blog to get the most hits or to have many followers; I started it as a reminder to myself that I have TONS AND TONS to be so incredibly grateful for in my life. However, I still can't help but feel bummed that more people don't feel the same way, that it's important to remember that we have so much to give thanks for. So I am thankful for Patricia, for coming back and for "getting it". Now, if only she'd email me so I'd know how to get in touch with ;)

2. There is a person at work who is so incredibly insecure, she is the "one-up ya" person. If you broke your arm, she broke her leg. If you won $10,000 n the lottery, she won $100,000, etc. Since this person started working at my office, it seemed I was the only one to notice this, however, now others are catching on, and actually coming to me and asking me, "what is wrong with them??? How insecure can they be??? They act like they know everything and that you don't know anything...". I am so thankful that my feelings have been validated and that it's not just

3. Last night my left foot, ankle, and calf was completely swollen. I had no idea what it was about but I just assumed it was my body telling me that the burgers, fries, and shake I had for dinner was probably killing me slowly (probably???) and that it was time to heal myself with some good old fashioned "clean" food and moving around. I got up this morning, ditched my coffee for green tea, had steel cut oatmeal for breakfast, and then did 20 minutes of a workout tape to get my body moving. After that, I got ready for work, and while walking out the door to leave, I realized how much better I felt. I am grateful for the ability to move in my body, and I will never take that for granted again.

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Mother in law, hubby, wrists

1. My in-laws showed up at the spur of the moment on Sunday with a pink geranium and a mothers day card for me, that said "for the mother-to-be" on the envelope. I thought that was incredibly thoughtful and I am so appreciative of it! I am so thankful that my mother in law has acknowledged that I am to be a mother in this special way on Mothers Day!

2. Hubby gave me the greatest card and wrote in it "to the mother of my future daughter, Gracie" It made me cry.... I am so thankful for my thoughtful husband.

3. My neck, arms, and wrists are getting better by leaps and bounds!!! It's amazing how the body heals itself! I am so thankful to not be in pain!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Friday, May 11, 2007

Comments, Friday, dinner

1. I am very grateful for the few comments I get on my blog. I don't blog just for the comments, but ti's nice to get them. I have read many many other blogs where the post was just "ok", nothing that I deemed comment worthy, but yet these people have upwards of 30 or 40 comments, just on that random little post. I just don't get it. So to those of you who DO comment on my other blog, I thank you, and I'm thankful for you!

2. I'm soooo thankful that it's Friday - it's been a rough week at work!

3. Last night Hubby and I went out to a local pub for dinner. We never used to go in there much because they would mix the smokers with the non smokers and we always got stuck between two big tables of smokers every time we went. Well, they enacted a no smoking in restaurants law quite some time ago in my state, and we hadn't been in there since then. We went back last night and WOW - what a difference! We had a great dinner, great atmosphere, and I had a few dark beers to boot! It was just what I needed after a hectic day, and I am so very thankful for Hubby taking me out to dinner!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Lawn, scale, peace and quiet

1. Hubby came home and mowed the backyard last night when he got home from work. I can not tell you how much this has relieved me. I have been stressing about how filthy the house is and how much needs to be done in the yard, and it's AMAZING how just mowing the grass makes the yard look like there's less than half the amount of things to do out there! I am sooooooo grateful for him mowing the lawn!!!

2. I have been trying desperately this week to get he scale to move back in the right direction, and it's paying off. No, I'm not losing anything significant - in fact, I'm just trying to lose the few I regained last week, and I'm doing it. I am so thankful for progress!

3. We live next to some of the worlds noisiest people. Not only that, they are what you might consider hillbillies or "white trash" unfortunately. I'm not trying to be rude, it's really the only way to best describe them. The entire street wants them gone, but they don't know the half of it because they don't live next door to them - I do. Well, like I said, all summer long, they are outside in their yard from 7:30am to 10 pm and I can never, ever enjoy my own yard because there's never any peace and quiet. Well, this morning, there IS peace and quiet, and for that I am very grateful!!!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Pain free, cleaning, Hubby's help

1. I am so very thankful that my arm pain is pretty much gone and that my situation isn't worse than it is! I'm so grateful to be feeling back to my old self!

2. I am SO thankful that I decided to take 30 minutes y'day to clean and vacuum parts of my house. It has gotten sooo bad lately with my inability to do much of anything, so after doing the little bit I did y'day, I felt SO MUCH BETTER about the house and about it getting clean one I usually am one who waits until the health department threatens to declare the house unfit for human habitation before I take an entire weekend to clean top to bottom. When I do that, I'm exhausted and hurting, and hating to clean. But doing this 30 minutes of stuff y'day showed me that if I just did 30 minutes everyday, my house won't always be a wreck and I wouldn't have to waste an entire weekend doing it. I am thankful for my last minute decision to clean before leaving for work!

3. I am ever grateful for Hubby and his help around the house and especially in the yard. He may complain about doing it, but he still does it!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Friday, May 4, 2007

What a week....

Ok, I think I'm on the mend, and I'll have my MRI results on Monday... Say a "shout-out" to the Universe on my behalf that all turns out ok! Thanks

1. I am incredibly grateful to have my pain and numbness going away finally.

2. I am incredibly thankful to ahve the hubby I have, who is so thoughtful and helpful!

3. I am grateful that it's Friday and I can rest up even more!

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Tingle-free, plants, bloggy friends

1. I've been battling numbness in my hands, wrists and arms for over a week - ever since Toronto really. Well, I think I finally figured it out, and I went to the chiropractor on Monday and he really helped A LOT. Today I am typing with very minimal numbness or pain, and I am so very grateful to him for helping me!

2. Every day it's a miracle to see how much my plants in my garden have come up... I am SOOOOO thankful to have the little piece of earth on which to garden!

3. I love my bloggy friends. They make the day so much better - and I am eternally grateful for them :)

What are YOU thankful for?

(Tell me in your comments!)